Organization name
Minorities in Shark Sciences
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Science, Tech & Business
FBO: Minorities in Shark Sciences 308 60th Ave W.Bradenton, FL 34207
Minorities in Shark Sciences (MISS) was founded by four Black female shark researchers in 2020. 🦈
We strive to be seen and take up space in a discipline that has been largely inaccessible for women like us. We aim to be positive role models for the next generation, and seek to promote diversity and inclusion in shark science while encouraging women of color to push through barriers and contribute knowledge in marine science. Our programs help equip future generations of shark and ray science with the knowledge, confidence, and skills needed to pursue a career in this field, and your contributions to MISS help us continue to make this happen.
Finally, we hope to topple the system that has historically excluded women like us and create an equitable path to shark science. We believe diversity in scientists creates diversity in thought, which ultimately, leads to innovation.
Thank you so much for your contribution to MISS, and for believing in our mission.
Organization name
Minorities in Shark Sciences
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment , Science, Tech & Business
FBO: Minorities in Shark Sciences 308 60th Ave W.