Organization name
Project Hygiene Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Community
2311 Wilson Blvd 3rd, Fl.Arlington, VA 22201
Promoting Healthy Hygiene, While Denouncing Bullying
Dear Project Hygiene Friends,
Exciting news! We’re participating in #GivingTuesday on December 3rd. Help us reach our fundraising goal of $1,500 to support our vital programs.
Your tax-deductible donation of $10.00 to $1,000.00 will help to support the following Project Hygiene programs:
The Project Hygiene Closet Program || Toiletry Drives || Bully Prevention Workshops ||
Toiletry Box Workshops || The Women Give, Women Receive Program
Your gift matters! Donate today on #GivingTuesday to help support Project Hygiene, Inc.
Project Hygiene is also thankful that our supporters share our vision of empowering, uplifting, and creating a healthy environment for youth.
Thank you for supporting Project Hygiene and we hope you’ll continue to support us on this journey to support youth and families in need!
With Love,
Anshia B. Crooms, M.A. & Anshay B. Tull, M.Ed.
Project Hygiene Founders
Organization name
Project Hygiene Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Children & Family , Community
2311 Wilson Blvd 3rd, Fl.