Support Black Lives in Atlanta Through Education

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

H.O.P.E, Inc. (Helping Other People be Empowered)
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Help single parents secure future wealth, opportunities, and privileges in our society!


raised by 49 people

$3,500 goal

Hearts Across the Country are Lighting Up as They Donate to Supporting Black Lives in Atlanta!

Update posted 4 years ago

Since H.O.P.E., Inc. first launched this project initiative last year, we have been humbled and overwhelmed by the response. Not only have supporters in the Atlanta area come forward to help their community, but we've also received gifts from individuals across the country who were new to H.O.P.E.'s mission. Tapley is a recent new H.O.P.E. donor who lives in New Hamshire.

"The increasing public awareness around the issue of systemic racism in this country has led to the realization that this exact sort of support is the... thing that Black Americans have less access to because of the financial (and other) boundaries put in the way. . . going back generations."

"I searched for racial justice-related causes. . . but the first several didn't really make me feel that spark of, 'Yes, this! It makes my heart light up to think of more people having this!' - until I got to the description of your Support Black Lives in Atlanta Through Education initiative. I got excited at being able to contribute to the goals you describe, even in a small way."   - Tapley T., New H.O.P.E. donor

Yours and Tapley's donations certainly made our hearts light up, too! Because of your commitment to providing educational opportunities for our single-parent college students, we had three graduates in January, three in May and June, and more on track to earn their degrees by the end of 2021! We know that without your help, none of this would be possible.

We will continue to focus on supporting Black Lives in Atlanta through education and hope you will continue to join us in this mission.

HOPE is a primarily black-served & led organization in Atlanta that helps single parents break the cycle of poverty through education. We help support social justice by ensuring our participants, who are 95% African American, are able to obtain their college degrees, thus securing future wealth, opportunities, and privileges in our society. HOPE helps open the doors of access not only for the single parents we serve but also for their children, creating generational success for people of color.

The effects of racial inequality ripple throughout the U.S., specifically impacting educational opportunities. A 2018 study found that only 19% of black Americans age 25+ have a 4-year degree compared to 33% of white Americans & people of color accrue greater debt than their white counterparts. Opportunity & inequality are perpetuated through a lack of access to education. HOPE's black single parents need supportive services to ensure they can graduate & confront racial inequalities in Atlanta.

Donating to HOPE supports black lives in Atlanta, which ranks 99 out of the 100 largest U.S. metro areas in terms of single-parent income, access to community resources, & education. The lack of access to these necessary resources creates obstacles to advance racial equality in our community. By eliminating barriers to success, we give our predominately African American constituents the opportunity to secure their futures & social well-being. We address a major social justice pillar - access. 

Many single parents struggle financially to provide for themselves & their children. The path forward is access to education which can have many positive effects including reductions in social inequities, discrimination, & poverty. During our 10-year history, HOPE program graduates have paid it forward by funding new HOPE participants, volunteering in their communities, & setting positive examples for their children. This is how we support black lives in our community, now and in the future. 

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